What you write? Syms What crews do you push? Droids Crew, Sheer Terror, and AAP. How long? Let’s see.. probably around, uh… I started in 2003, probably since around 2004 seriously. Yeah. What kinda paint were you using when you…
What you write? Syms What crews do you push? Droids Crew, Sheer Terror, and AAP. How long? Let’s see.. probably around, uh… I started in 2003, probably since around 2004 seriously. Yeah. What kinda paint were you using when you…
What do you write? Stuck Tell us a little about yourself… How long you’ve been painting and who you’re down with etc. 16 years. Started in 93/94, although not much at all in the last 4 years just on paper.…
What do you write? SB One ^Bus 129 by SB1. Dedication to the late great style master general himself. Fill: Rust-Oleum American Accents, Indian Spice, Harbor Blue and Leafy Green. “I was always impressed with the way Dondi did those…
What do you write? Norms One Tell us a little about yourself… How long you’ve been painting and who you’re down with etc. Got in the mix right at the very end of the 1980s, noticing local highway and train…
What do you write? Mone, RIS Tell us a little about yourself… How long you’ve been painting, etc. I started bombing in 1988. Didn’t start piecing until 1990. ^Classic Piece Breakdowns: Mone, RIS. Krylon, ‘Teal Blue’ action shot!! So what…
Arsn or Arsen Classic Piece Breakdown: Arsn: Fill: Rust-Oleum, ‘Gloss Orange,’ Rust-Oleum, American Accents ‘Indian Spice’ & Rust-Oleum, American Accents ‘Honey.’ Designs: Krylon, ‘Hunter Green’, Artissin, ‘Blue’ and ‘Mint Green’ and Rust-Oleum, ‘Dark Blue.’ (Artissin is a new artist brand…