What do you write? SB One ^Bus 129 by SB1. Dedication to the late great style master general himself. Fill: Rust-Oleum American Accents, Indian Spice, Harbor Blue and Leafy Green. “I was always impressed with the way Dondi did those…
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What do you write? SB One ^Bus 129 by SB1. Dedication to the late great style master general himself. Fill: Rust-Oleum American Accents, Indian Spice, Harbor Blue and Leafy Green. “I was always impressed with the way Dondi did those…
Arsn or Arsen Classic Piece Breakdown: Arsn: Fill: Rust-Oleum, ‘Gloss Orange,’ Rust-Oleum, American Accents ‘Indian Spice’ & Rust-Oleum, American Accents ‘Honey.’ Designs: Krylon, ‘Hunter Green’, Artissin, ‘Blue’ and ‘Mint Green’ and Rust-Oleum, ‘Dark Blue.’ (Artissin is a new artist brand…